A sweet baby robin sitting branch sprouting the first new leaves of spring and covered with a late snow. This design is shown painted on a phone charger stand which is available from bettybowersdownhome.com and includes multiple panels which can be painted with designs for the seasons or holidays and changed out at your whim.
Multiple sizes of line drawings included for phone charger stand as well as for a 6"x8" surface and 8"x10" surface.
Step-by-step images inlcuded.
This packet is available by download.
DecoArt Traditions Acrylics with conversions to Americana.
Copyright/Terms of Use - Copyright Sharon Chinn. All rights reserved. Painters may hand paint designs for personal use or to sell. No part of this pattern or instructions may be reproduced by any means EXCEPT to reduce or enlarge pattern for personal use.
Please respect the designer's copyright... ePatterns may be printed and saved to your computer or disk for your personal use, but cannot be distributed for free or sold in either digital or print format.