Product Details


Santa Light Trio Candle Pedestals Painting Pattern - Sharon Chinn

Product ID SC00289

What You Are Buying - A painting tutorial in PDF format which you can download and print. It is not an actual painted product. The PDF file includes images(s), supply list, step-by-step text painting instructions, and line drawing to trace. 

Format/Price - I offer an option to print/mail the file to you for an extra fee. Check 'Yes' under Want It By Mail?. Postage will be added during checkout.

Price: $5.00
Date Added
  • Description

Paint Santa faces on wine glasses and they become festive candle pedestals...  these are painted in soft lavender and purple colors.

These are painted on $1 glasses from The Dollar Tree using DecoArt Traditions & Americana paints over a basecoat of DecoArt Glossies.

Pattern includes instructions, line drawings, supply list and step-by-step illustrations for Santa's face.

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