Product Details


Seasonal Lighthouse-Summer Painting Pattern - Sharon Chinn

Product ID SC17015

What You Are Buying - A painting tutorial in PDF format which you can download and print. It is not an actual painted product. The PDF file includes images(s), supply list, step-by-step text painting instructions, and line drawing to trace. 

Format/Price - I offer an option to print/mail the file to you for an extra fee. Check 'Yes' under Want It By Mail?. Postage will be added during checkout.

Price: $7.00
Date Added
  • Description
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  • Terms of Use
  • How to Download

Summer lighthouse scene painted on 7"x28" small ironing board features lighthouse, ocean, American flags, seagull, conch shell, sailboat, little boy flying kite.

DecoArt Americana Premium Acrylics.

Pattern includes 20 pages with lots of step-by-step illustrations to complete the painting.  Pattern is formatted so you can print black & white pages separately from the colored images to save ink.





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