February 2019 – Feather Your Nest

Feather Your Nest and fill it with love …

by Sharon Chinn

I love signs and painted this one up for spring as a reflection of my love of home and nesting.  It’s approximately 24.5″x10″.  The background is softly stenciled for interest.  The design includes 2 robins, a bird’s nest filled with soft blue eggs, and the wording “Feather Your Nest and Fill It With Love” with large feathers incorporated into the lettering.

Pattern includes step-by-step photos, supply list, instructions, and line drawing to trace.  Feel free to paint this design on any surface of your choice.

The design is painted with DecoArt Americana Acrylic Paints.

PDF Pattern is accessible by these membership levels for free:

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must have been 
active during February 2019.


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You can purchase the individual pattern in the Pattern Shop or at DecorativePaintingStore.com

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