January 2016 – First Robin (with Video)

First Robin by Sharon Chinn

A sweet baby robin sitting branch sprouting the first new leaves of spring and covered with a late snow.  This design is shown painted on a phone charger stand which is available from bettybowersdownhome.com and includes multiple panels which can be painted with designs for the seasons or holidays and changed out at your whim.

Video coming soon which shows the technique to paint a wet-on-wet variegated background using blending mix and acrylic paints.

This design is painted with Traditions Acrylics with conversions included for Americana Acrylics.


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Technique Video to Paint Wet-on-Wet Blended Background

Here’s the actual blended background from the First Robin project.  Note that in this one, I’ve kept the center lighter where the robin is placed so his darker body will pop from the background, then I had the darker values of the gray here and there around the edges.  I added the Medium White (the beige-y color) when the paint was starting to set up so that it didn’t blend too much and become muddy.  It’s just lightly scuffed over the surface the add accents.

Once you’ve painted your background, let it dry, then transfer your pattern, feel free to adjust the background in different areas to change the lightness or darkness, or the placement of color to better fit when your traced subject is going to be.  Just apply some of the extender medium you initially used in the area to be adjusted extending it out a little further than the actual area you want to change, then work the layer of paint into the medium.  Extending the medium a little beyond the area you are adjusting will help prevent any hard edges.

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